Nikkinevada My Mom Is A Cam Girl
This evening I thought I had the house all to myself so I got online on one of my favorite cam sites. My room was decorated since they were having a theme party weekend which draws in more customers if you participate. And goodness knows I could use the extra traffic and potential money. After all college is expensive and I have one son in and one that will be going all too soon. Instantly a guy pops into my chat. I begin my usual flirting and waste no time in exposing my big beautiful breasts. Hearing a noise I look up and am shocked to see my oldest son standing there. I attempt to cover my tits up, pause my video, tell the customer I’ll be right back, and confront my son. He is shocked to learn that his “perfect” mother is a cam girl showing her body to strangers online for money. I defend my actions. He has a deadbeat dad who gave us no financial assistance. How did he think that I was suppose to pay for college for him and his brother? How did he think we afforded this nice house for them to live in? How did we afford all the nice things he has? I will not be made to feel bad about camming. In fact, I enjoy it. Now please leave so I can get back to work. He won’t go! Ok, fine, stay. Hope you enjoy the show
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