Le Sansone Ed Ercole Nelle Terre Delli Amazzoni Samson In The Amazons Land
Hercules goes to look for Samson who has been kidnapped by a girl gang and ends up getting screwed along the way (more ways than just one). This is yet another hardcore flick from D’Amato who was only directing these type of movies at this point in his career. The low budget nature makes some of the scenes look very silly but I’m sure many will just be here for the sex, which there is plenty of. The cinematography is good as is usually the case for D’Amato. The landscape of Greece is astounding and the sets utilized for this production are genuine. Real life architectural sites were used for the amazing sex scenes mostly between Hakan and the several women he fucks. The women in Samson are naturally beautiful females not pumped up with fake breasts, overdone hairdos, elongated nails and makeup enough to make Tammy Faye cry in protest.
Erika Lindauer, Frank Gun, Hakan Serbes, Gabriella Vincze, Kelly Trump, Maria Papp, Maria Szolontai, Mercedes, Regina Sipos, Simona Osborn, Sylvia Ross, Ursula Moore
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