Ondrea Lee Anal Stuffing Bikini Butt Plug
Stuffing panties up my butt and mailing them out is a popular selling item for me. I don’t have anal sex often and my ass is quite tight and I always manage to stuff them up there and pull them out real nice. This time I needed some assistance from a nice length butt plug since a customer ordered bikini bottoms to be stuffed into my cute asshole, swimsuit bottoms are thicker and I needed some help from my butt plug I use it to help stuff the panties into my butt. I then pull the bikini bottoms slowly out of my ass at the end of the video. He received the butt plug as a bonus. Get your very own pair of anal stuffed panties sent to you it includes a 7 min video preparing it for you light customization! www.manyvids.com/StoreItem/294652/anal-stuffed-panties/
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