Astrodomina Just Click To Breathe
— This is a Pay-to-breathe game. So make sure you have either my Amazon, Giftrocket, Paypal, Venmo or Google Wallet ready to go! —
I will make you hold your breath for different lengths of time.
Each time, if I can last until you remove your foot, then congratulations!
If you cant last and you need to take a breath, then you have to tribute before breathing, so you will need to have that tribute page open and ready to go, right up the last click to confirm.
Some turns will be easy, some will be more difficult.
I am teasing you as I move around and pose, showing off my body front and back.I stop your breathing by putting my foot partially over the camera.After each turn, I instruct you to get another tribute ready, just in case I need it, and perhaps give you some guidelines for what to put in the comment section.
So how did you do? Did you go the distance or did you click like a little bitch?
Download Astrodomina Just Click To Breathe - 1001 MB