MySQL Error!
MySQL error in file: /engine/modules/show.full.php at line 1187
Error Number: 128
The Error returned was:
Table handler out of memory
SQL query:

SELECT id, date, short_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, MATCH (title, short_story, full_story, xfields) AGAINST ('Voodoo Cock 2 - September 24, 2015 This was a custom request and follow on from \'Voodoo Cock\'You are sitting at a table with 3 Voodoo cocks.... \"so, Jamie you\'re thought I might talk to you about how I am going to take pity on you but oh no...I want to talk to you about 3 of my other boys... Of the three cocks on the table you spend 10 mins telling me about two of is a boy you don\'t like and one you do...alternate between showing how much you enjoy playing with and teasing cock wonderful you are making his life and how much you are hurting the other one....The phrase that runs round my mind is you saying, \"and this poor boy....he has so much pain he\'d rather die than wake up and feel what I do to him and every day I make it worse...and I won;t let him die...that would be too easy....use anything you can find in the kitchen to that voodoo cock for me....forks, knives, maybe a stapler, hot oil etc etc then finally you come to the last one which you have ') as score FROM dle_post WHERE MATCH (title, short_story, full_story, xfields) AGAINST ('Voodoo Cock 2 - September 24, 2015 This was a custom request and follow on from \'Voodoo Cock\'You are sitting at a table with 3 Voodoo cocks.... \"so, Jamie you\'re thought I might talk to you about how I am going to take pity on you but oh no...I want to talk to you about 3 of my other boys... Of the three cocks on the table you spend 10 mins telling me about two of is a boy you don\'t like and one you do...alternate between showing how much you enjoy playing with and teasing cock wonderful you are making his life and how much you are hurting the other one....The phrase that runs round my mind is you saying, \"and this poor boy....he has so much pain he\'d rather die than wake up and feel what I do to him and every day I make it worse...and I won;t let him die...that would be too easy....use anything you can find in the kitchen to that voodoo cock for me....forks, knives, maybe a stapler, hot oil etc etc then finally you come to the last one which you have ') AND id != 774578 AND approve=1 ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 6