Fortune Teller Magic Trandformations
A fortune teller gave you and your girlfriend a bad reading, saying that you would one day be behind bars, so you stormed off and came home. She's telling you to calm down and that you're full of hot air when suddenly you become a balloon! She wishes you were a man once more, and kisses you when lo and behold you turn back into a man! She thinks you may be under a curse that is conrolled by what she says. You're upset and are arguing when suddenly you become a goat! Your girlfriend kind of likes you this way, but you bleat and bah, demanding to become normal. Once she reluctantly changes you back, she tells you to get the spell lifted you'll need to apologize and pay the fortune teller. You tell her SHE can go pay the lady then. Angry, she makes you into a parrot. In the cage, she laughs realizing the bars was the cage you're in now and the fortune teller was right all along! You'll be making your own money as a youtube star as the worldd's smartest parrot. Especially to pay back the fortune teller if you ever ant to be a normal man again. So you better practice all sorts of smart things to say because you have to earn your humanity back. Your girlfriend goes to get a webcam as you contemplate this new life...
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